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This function computes market details for the passed reserves data. Markets are defined as ETH<>ERC20, ERC20<>ETH, or ERC20<>ERC20 pairs, where the first currency is the input and the second is the output. Reserves must be specified for both the input and output currency.

  • In the case of ETH, undefined should be passed as the reserves data. getTokenReserves formatted ERC20 reserves, or the requisite data can be fetched manually and passed in.

  • Rates are calculated to 18 decimal places of precision.

Function Signature

export function getMarketDetails(
optionalReservesInput: OptionalReserves,
optionalReservesOutput: OptionalReserves
): MarketDetails

Input Parameters

optionalReservesInputOptionalReservesReserves data for the input currency.
optionalReservesOutputOptionalReservesReserves data for the output currency.

Example Usage

const reserves: ChainIdOrProvider = await getTokenReserves(tokenAddress)

const marketDetails: MarketDetails = getMarketDetails(undefined, reserves) // ETH<>ERC20

// market type
tradeType: 'ETH_TO_TOKEN',

// dummy ETH reserves
inputReserves: {
token: {
chainId: 1,
address: 'ETH',
decimals: 18

// normalized token reserves
outputReserves: <NormalizedReserves>,

// market rate calculated to 18 decimals of precision
marketRate: {
rate: <BigNumber>, // x output / 1 input
rateInverted: <BigNumber> // x input / 1 output


This function computes trade details for the passed market data.

-This function throws an error if the passed _tradeAmount is greater than the amount of ETH/tokens in the relevant Uniswap exchange.

  • Trade amounts must be passed in non-decimal form (where e.g. 1 ETH is represented as 1000000000000000000 wei).

Function Signature

export function getTradeDetails(
tradeExact: TRADE_EXACT,
_tradeAmount: BigNumberish,
marketDetails: MarketDetails
): TradeDetails

Input Parameters

tradeExactTRADE_EXACTWhether either the input or the output currency is the exact amount.
_tradeAmountBigNumberishThe amount to buy/sell (of the output/input currency, depending on tradeExact)
marketDetailsMarketDetailsMarket details.

Example Usage

const _purchaseAmount: BigNumber = new BigNumber('2.5')
const _decimals: number = 18
const tradeAmount: BigNumber = _purchaseAmount.multipliedBy(10 ** _decimals)
const marketDetails: MarketDetails = getMarketDetails(undefined, reserves) // ETH<>ERC20

// buy exactly 2.5 of an 18 decimal ERC20 with ETH
const tradeDetails: TradeDetails = getTradeDetails(TRADE_EXACT.OUTPUT, tradeAmount, marketDetails)

marketDetailsPre: <MarketDetails>,

marketDetailsPost: <MarketDetails>,

tradeType: 'ETH_TO_TOKEN',

tradeExact: 'OUTPUT',

inputAmount: {
token: <Token>,
amount: <BigNumber>

outputAmount: {
token: <Token>,
amount: <BigNumber>

// execution rate calculated to 18 decimals of precision
executionRate: {
rate: <BigNumber> // x output / 1 input
rateInverted: <BigNumber> // x input / 1 output

// slippage between the pre- and post-trade market rates, in basis points, calculated to 18 decimals of precision
marketRateSlippage: <BigNumber>,

// slippage between the execution and pre-trade market rate, in basis points, calculated to 18 decimals of precision
executionRateSlippage: <BigNumber>